

CINETIC AVOCATS has developed a pragmatic approach to each case, drawing on its in-depth technical expertise and solid knowledge of its clients’ business sectors and economic constraints.

This knowledge enables us to support our clients in meeting their challenges.

– Contract law
– Commercial litigation-mediation-arbitration
– Business criminal law
– Insolvency law




The firm assists companies with their contractual procedures, at all stages of the contract life cycle (negotiation, drafting, performance, termination).

The firm’s lawyers have developed expertise in contractual techniques, with a perfect understanding and mastery of the risks inherent in poorly drafted or non-existent contracts.

They are qualified to carry out :
– Audit of company contracts
– Drafting commercial contracts (sales agents, business introducers, service provision, franchising, leasing, maintenance, general terms and conditions of sale, purchase, licensing contracts, etc.).
– Defending clients before the Commercial Court and the Court of First Instance in the event of contract disputes (negotiation, performance, breach of contract).

Commercial litigation-mediation-arbitration

The firm’s Commercial Litigation team advises clients on the most appropriate procedure for their commercial dispute, taking into account the strategic aspects, the speed of the solution and the chances of success.

The firm is therefore fully conversant with the various procedures involved in commercial litigation:
– Summary proceedings (urgency, provision, imminent damage or manifestly unlawful disturbance)
– Legal expertise
– Conventional or summary proceedings
– Enforcement procedures: seizure, registration of mortgage or pledge

CINETIC’s litigation team brings its expertise and support to its clients:

– From the pre-litigation phase of the case, from determining the strategy, to preparing and sending a formal notice, drafting and sending a summons to enter into negotiations, or negotiating a settlement putting an end to the dispute

– Throughout the litigation process, taking into account the progress of the case, to ensure that the dispute is resolved in the best interests of the customer.

Whether seeking the best negotiated solution, responding to an action or initiating one, our lawyers have built their reputation on their ability to propose innovative strategies for resolving national or international disputes.

CINETIC also relies on reactive partners throughout France (local correspondents, bailiffs, etc.) and within its network of foreign partners.

CINETIC also regularly appears before civil and commercial courts, both at first instance and on appeal, and has the necessary tools to appear before the Paris and Lyon Courts of Appeal.


Criminal Law

In addition to its business law practice, our firm assists clients in managing criminal risk and criminal issues.

Our firm assists companies and their managers in criminal cases, as defendant, witness or civil party, whatever the field – private or public, corporate law, commercial law, labor law, information and communication technology law – and at all stages of the proceedings – preliminary investigation, investigation, criminal court among others.

On the strength of its experience in this type of litigation, CINETIC also intervenes upstream of any proceedings to limit its clients’ exposure to criminal risk by carrying out risk audits and, if necessary, assisting them in setting up systems for delegating powers, charters of good conduct and management training….


Business Law

CINETIC assists companies and their managers facing economic, legal or financial difficulties, as well as creditors and buyers.


– Assistance with ad hoc mandates and out-of-court settlement procedures
– Negotiating agreements with the company’s creditors
– Setting up refinancing solutions

Judicial treatment

– Assistance with opening, running and closing safeguard, receivership and liquidation proceedings
– Advice and assistance when declaring suspension of payments
– Drawing up continuation plans, finding buyers and/or investors
– Defense in the event of directors’ liability claims
– Handling of all litigation arising from insolvency proceedings (disputed claims, ownership claims, termination of commercial leases, monitoring or early termination of contracts, etc.).

Real Estate



Intellectual Property