Discover our dedicated debt collection offer

Every company has had to deal with a recalcitrant debtor. When an invoice is paid late or remains unpaid, the impact on cash flow can be immediate and can upset a company’s economic equilibrium.

The firm has developed a specific offer dedicated to debt collection, to support companies of all sizes, whatever the amount of unpaid invoices.

We intervene at every stage of the process, from setting up security mechanisms to amicable and legal proceedings.


Experts in litigation, we are also sensitive to the need to preserve commercial relations.

From drafting formal notices to setting up payment schedules and managing enforcement, we take all the necessary steps on behalf of our clients to achieve a swift, efficient settlement.

Our method

We intervene as soon as unpaid invoices are reported, until they are actually collected.

Personalized study of the situation with the company suffering from the non-payment and implementation of precautionary measures if necessary

Final notice to pay sent within two weeks

If no settlement is reached, refer the matter to the Court and obtain a writ of execution.

Implementation, with the Commissioner of Justice, of forced execution with seizures

Our commitments

  • Responsiveness
  • Fee transparency and foreseeability
  • Support from the amicable phase through to enforcement

Contact us

To enable us to send you a quotation, please send us a brief summary of the situation, together with the unpaid invoice(s).

We'll be sure to get back to you.

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119, avenue Maréchal de Saxe
69003 Lyon


+33 (0)4 72 60 89 68
