– Real estate sales law (sale in future state of completion, single-family home construction contracts)
– Assistance in negotiating deeds of sale
– Pre-litigation and litigation of contractual negotiations (breach of talks, non-fulfillment of promises to sell)
– Drafting of contracts: construction contracts (CPI, AMO, contracts, CCAP), leases in future state of completion (BEFA),
– Construction insurance litigation (claims under the completion guarantee and ten-year guarantee)
– Abnormal neighborhood disturbances
– Servitudes, dismemberment of ownership, joint ownership
– Volumetric division / condominium association (ASL, AFUL)

Civil rental
and Commercial
– Residential leases: conclusion of lease contracts; obligations of lessor and lessee; termination and eviction; lessor/tenant disputes
– Commercial leases: negotiation and drafting of leases, particularly those in future state of completion (retail, office, ERP, logistics units, shopping centers, ICPE, residential, hotel, etc.) for new leases or renewals.
Co-ownership management
real estate / real estate professions
– Contract negotiation (syndic, commercial agents, real estate agents)
– Condominium litigation (contesting decisions taken at general meetings; apportionment and modification of charges)
– Validity audit of co-ownership by-law clauses
– Liability of syndics, the Syndicat des copropriétaires and the Conseil syndical
– Assistance with building management (co-ownership operations, ASL, AFUL)


