Always be
in motion

In a constantly changing world, every company is constantly faced with new challenges. We are committed to working alongside our clients to help them meet these challenges.
That’s why we put our expertise and knowledge at their service.

We prefer to work closely with our clients, so as to build up a real bond of trust, since the success of any project depends on cultivating a partnership.

Observe, understand,

evolve, adapt

CINETIC AVOCATS was born of the desire to offer companies innovative legal support.
Faced with the same changes and challenges as our clients, we have set up internal processes and developed increasingly effective digital tools to meet their needs.

We are seizing the opportunities presented to us, particularly in the use of innovative digital solutions based on artificial intelligence or jurimetry.

The Movement

and the Human

The firm’s lawyers are particularly attached to the traditional values of the profession: transparency, probity and disinterestedness.
We regularly work pro bono for low-income individuals and non-profit organizations on projects that are close to our hearts. In particular, we provide legal assistance to “PSYCHODON”, an association dedicated to bringing together associations, beneficiaries and sponsors in the field of mental health.



What sets our firm apart is our determination to respond pragmatically to the needs of business owners. We build the team best suited to meet your needs. Our extensive network of partners enables us to combine our skills and intelligence for the benefit of all projects.

At the same time as we are committed to our deontological principles, a guarantee of quality and ethics, we are also concerned to be lawyers of today, working in the modern world, with an open and forward-looking outlook.


Real Estate



Intellectual Property