Le RDV CINETIC sur le thème de la “RESPONSABILITE CIVILE ET PENALE DU CHEF D’ENTREPRISE EN CAS D’ACCIDENT DU TRAVAIL” a eu lieu le Mercredi 24 mai 2023 de 8h à 9h et a étanimé par Me David LAURAND, Avocat chez CINETIC Avocats, et Yann BOUGENAUX, Avocat chez OREN Avocats.

Company managers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their employees. In the event of a workplace accident, he or she may be held civilly and criminally liable. The consequences of a workplace accident can be far-reaching, both for the manager and for the company (disorganization, financial costs, etc.).

More than ever, risk prevention must be a major concern for company managers, not only to ensure the health, well-being and safety of their employees, but also to safeguard their own legal security and preserve the company’s financial health.

REVIEW THE WEBINAR of May 24, 2023 👇