(…) “Go faster, further”, claim magistrates as lawyers. Improve the coordination of all justice professionals in order to guarantee a better level of access to justice. During the 1st confinement, lawyers found themselves in a situation of blockage due to the lack of digital equipment in the courts. On the lawyer side, “the electronic communication system has long made it possible to work on the move”, using a laptop computer and the lawyer authentication key. “50,000 lawyers are registered with the e bar platform, the electronic communication of the CNB”, indicates Sandrine Vara. While magistrates have sometimes had to use the D system to inform lawyers of the progress of cases.

In this context, work on PLEX, the exchange platform of the Ministry of Justice which includes 2 modules, one for civil and the other for criminal matters, has been accelerated. Its deployment has so far worked better in criminal cases. Since May, PLEX has enabled 95  000 digital exchanges between lawyers and magistrates: secure shipments of voluminous criminal proceedings and notifications (figures from the Ministry of Justice). “A protocol between the National Bar Council and the Ministry of Justice has been signed, which has facilitated the downward communication of files from the registry services to the lawyers. The tool was well received on both sides, the ambition is to make it permanent,” explains Sandrine Vara. (…) »

Find the article in its entirety in LA SEMAINE DU LAW – GENERAL EDITION – N° 50 – DECEMBER 7, 2020 – n°1370