LES RDV CINETIC – Legal tools to preserve the talents and know-how of the company
In an increasingly competitive economic environment, the volatility of staff in key positions can have a serious impact on company operations (information leakage, disorganization, etc.). Legal...
LES RDV CINETIC – Shortage of materials and rising prices: what legal levers?
Businesses and individuals are now faced with a shortage of materials and an unprecedented rise in prices. What legal levers can be used to avoid reducing your margin or suffering late penalties?...
LES WEBINAIRES DU POSSIBLE – The advantages and pitfalls of e-commerce
On Friday March 18, Sandrine Vara was the guest speaker at the Webinaire du possible organized by the Banque de France, on the subject of e-commerce, its challenges, benefits and risks for business...
What if the debtor is in collective proceedings?
The opening of collective proceedings (sauvegarde, redressement or liquidation judiciaire) results in the suspension of individual legal action against the debtor. As a result, any legal action by a...
How to identify and fight against unfair competition?
While companies are free to undertake and compete, they are not free to use all the means at their disposal to develop their business. Unfair competition occurs when a company makes excessive use of...
What regulations for cookies and trackers?
WHAT ARE COOKIES AND TRACKS? Tracers are operations for reading and/or writing information in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user of electronic communications services. There are many...
The criminal responsibility of the entrepreneur and covid-19
As economic activity continues in the context of the health crisis, the entrepreneur is faced with numerous regulations. The risk of seeing his criminal liability engaged hovers and deserves to be...
Works contract: what obligations for the company and for the client?
WORKS CONTRACT: WHAT OBLIGATIONS FOR THE CONTRACTOR? 1. Contractor's obligations regarding choice of materials The contractor provides the equipment: He bears the burden of the...
Health crisis and digital emergency: the challenge of judicial justice
(…) "Go faster, further", claim magistrates as lawyers. Improve the coordination of all justice professionals in order to guarantee a better level of access to justice. During the 1st confinement,...